General Terms & Conditions

Any entries containing offensive or inappropriate language, references to any political parties or religions containing vulgar, or racist content against particular cultures or communities, religious content or unverified information shall not be accepted.

A participant is allowed to submit up-to one entry per contest. i.e. He / She can submit one entry for poster and one entry for song and one entry for short film etc. In case it is found that any participant has submitted more than one entry in any single category, all the entries will be considered invalid for the said participant.

Any disputes or any issues related to this competition would be decided by the CEO Jharkhand, which will be final.

No plagiarism – original pieces only. Please note that the work must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957.

The entries submitted would be the sole property of the CEO Jharkhand, with the right to use and edit for any purpose it considers appropriate.

The entries will be judged by a jury constituted by the CEO Jharkhand. Any request for re-evaluation of the entries will not be entertained.

The CEO Jharkhand reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the Contest and/or the Terms & Conditions of the competition.

Multiple Entries: Multiple entries are allowed in different categories, so check the rules for clarity.

Contact us

Cabinet (Election) Department
Near Gayatri Mandir. HEC Colony, Sector-2,
Dhurwa, Ranchi - 834004